
Titles Performance Institute Golf Fitness Evaluation

The Titleist Performance Institute golf fitness evaluation consists of a series of functional screens designed to evaluate the body’s ability or inability to perform an efficient golf swing. TPI has evaluated thousands of golfers ranging from the weekend warrior up to the PGA tour to determine the most effective physical screening process. I personally have screened hundreds of golfers ranging from the high school level up to the LPGA. After evaluating the golfer’s flexibility, strength, balance and biomechanics, a custom golf fitness program is then designed to improve the body’s performance as it relates to the golf swing.

Our complete fitness evaluation consists of a 5 stage screening process which is unique to the industry. We then create a detailed report outlining the results of the client’s physical exam and assigns them a “fitness handicap”. A custom workout program is designed based upon the results of the physical assessment. The client can access to their custom workout program via the internet. All evaluation results and exercises are able to be viewed via video or print via the TPI website.

The results of the program have proven to be tremendous in lowering a golfer’s handicap. The exercises help you to gain greater distance, accuracy and balance, along with better posture. Not only will the golfer’s body have the physical ability to get in better positions, the life time swing faults due to physical limitations are now corrected and the final result is a better golfer and lower scores.

Corrective Exercise Programs

The golfer’s most common injury sites are the low back, shoulder, knee, elbow and wrist. The practice of corrective exercise is designed to address these injuries as well as postural and structural flaws while improving strength, balance and speed. Through technology and education, even clients are beginning to understand that achieving their end goal might require some customized corrective exercises which could mean taking a step backward before they move forward. With my 20 plus years of corrective exercise experience, I am able to wrap all of these steps up together for fast and better health and fitness integration.

Golf Specific Strengthening Programs

Golf specific strength and conditioning program focuses on all of the active muscles in your swing, making you solid over the ball, providing greater distance and allowing you to maintain proper positioning for the entire round. Exercises and drills are performed to increase strength in the exact positions where weakness and stress occur in the golf swing. Increasing strength in golf specific muscles will not only give the golfer greater distance, the golfer will be able to maintain better posture and positions due to stronger core and postural muscles.

Studies have shown that many swing faults are due to weak core muscles that cause changes in the spine during the swing and create putting inconsistencies. To maintain the proper position in your swing you need to have strength and endurance in all the primary golf muscles. This allows for a proper spine angle and correct positioning for the entire round. Most golfers complain of fatigue or golf breakdown during the back nine, caused by weak, fatigued muscles- primarily abdominal and lower back muscles that are the core golf muscles.

Power and Swing Speed Training

What’s the secret to hitting longer drives? Well, quite simply it is a matter of club head speed, and club head speed is ultimately determined by how quickly your muscles respond and contract. Pure strength may make you stronger, but it won’t maximize your speed. In fact, training to increase your strength could actually make you slower. Remember your physics class: Force = Mass times Acceleration. What that means is that the faster you can accelerate your golf swing, the more force will be applied to the ball, and the farther it will travel.

Any golfer, who is serious about improving their game with longer drives, needs to train their muscles for speed and quickness. Long drive golf exercise program will give you longer drives and shots by training for speed of contraction and, at the same time, strengthening the primary muscle groups involved in swinging a golf club.

How it works: Your muscles consist of basically two types of fibers – Fast and Slow. The slow twitch fibers are responsible for strength and repetition of movement. The fast twitch muscle fibers are responsible for the speed of muscular contraction, and a fast twitch response is the ability of a muscle to rapidly contract to a specific distance over a short period of time. By developing your fast twitch muscle fibers, perhaps now for the first time, you will increase the contraction velocity of the muscles in your back, shoulders, hips, arms and wrists – the result is always greater club head speed and power and longer drives and shots.

12 Common Swing Flaws Listed In Order Of Occurrence

Loss of Posture- This occurs when there is any significant deviation in the golfer’s original set up angles during the golf swing.

Early Extension- This occurs when the lower body does not rotate through impact. Instead, the lower body pushes forward towards the golf ball.

Casting- This fault is caused by any premature release of the wrist angles during the downswing and through impact.

Flat Shoulder Plane- This occurs when the shoulders turn more on a horizontal plane than the axis of the original spine angle.

Over the Top- This occurs when the golfer’s arms lead the downswing, causing an out to in swing path and a very steep angle into the golf ball.

Reverse Spine Angle- This occurs when there is any excessive upper body backward bend or excessive left lateral upper body bend during the backswing.

Sway- This fault is caused by any excessive lower body lateral movement away from the target during the backswing forcing the weight to the outside of the back foot.

Chicken Wing- This fault is caused by a loss of extension or breakdown of the lead elbow through the impact area.

C-Posture- This posture occurs when the golfer’s shoulders are slumped forward at address and there is roundness in the back from the tail bone to the back of the neck.

Hanging Back- This occurs when a golfer does not shift his or her weight correctly back onto the lead side on the downswing.

Slide- This fault is caused by any excessive lower body lateral movement toward the target during the downswing.

S-Posture- This posture is caused by the golfer creating too much arch in the lower back and by sticking the tail bone out too much in the setup position.